01 Jeri Brown A Timeless Place My Mother’s Love 06.16
02 Ike Quebec Heavy Soul Brother, Can You Spare A Dime 05.27
03 Horace Silver A Prescription For The Blues Brother John And Gene 04.43
04 Kenny Wheeler and John Abercrombie It Takes Two After All 04.10
05 Bobo Stenson Serenity Father World 07.24
06 Charles Kynard The Soul Brotherhood The Soul Brotherhood 06.12
07 Alain Caron Caron – Ecay – Lockwood Good Luck Brother 04.09
08 Humphrey Lyttleton The Bennett Archives Mahogany Hall Stomp 04.30
09 John Abercrombie Timeless Red And Orange 05.25
10 Gerry Hebert The Beat Niq Sessions Vol 2 Father’s Time 04.43
11 Art Pepper Art Pepper + Eleven Four Brothers 03.02
12 Bobby Broom No Hype Blues Father 07.09
13 Kenny Wheeler and John Abercrombie It Takes Two Canter No 4 07.18
14 John Abercrombie Gateway Jamala 04.45
15 John Abercrombie Arcade Nightlake 05.33
16 Kenny Wheeler and John Abercrombie It Takes Two One Of Many 05.08
17 Dee Dee Bridgewater Love and Peace Song For My Father 05.36
18 Donald Byrd Street Lady Sister Love 06.11
19 Kenny Wheeler and John Abercrombie It Takes Two The Jig Saw 06.35