Today’s episode features one of the greatest trumpet players to come out of Canada, Guido Basso. Also featured is the great vocalist Mark Murphy on several selections.
01 guido basso cannon fodder dedications
02 guido basso i can dream can’t i? a lazy afternoon
03 guido basso nowhere to go dedications
04 guido basso hip snake dance dedications
05 guido basso the elegance of duke dedications
06 brad mehldau august ending house on hill
07 d.d. jackson pat anthem
08 jim galloway a hundred years from today walking on air
09 jim galloway thou swell thou swell
10 heinz froehling and gerd fuehrs folk n rock sff-ticket to everywhere
11 miles davis nature boy blue moods
12 miles davis two bass hit milestones
13 miles davis dolores miles smiles
14 miles davis there’s no you collectors items
15 mark murphy until the real thing comes along mark murphy sings the nat king cole songbook volume 1
16 mark murphy nature boy mark murphy sings the nat king cole songbook volume 1
17 mark murphy wee baby blues that’s how i love the blues
18 mark murphy sunday in new york bridging a gap
19 mark murphy you fascinate me so midnight mood