01 carmen mcrae take five take five 2.21
02 carmen mcrae carmen sings monk round midnight 6.32
03 carmen mcrae sarah dedicated to you black coffee 6.07
04 carmen mcrae sings the great american songbook my funny valentine 4.22
05 carmen mcrae carmen sings monk dear ruby 6.01
06 ramsey lewis the in crowd the in crowd 5.44
07 ramsey lewis the in crowd since i fell for you 4.13
08 ramsey lewis the in crowd tennessee waltz 4.54
09 ramsey lewis the in crowd you been talkin’ bout me baby 3.00
10 ramsey lewis the in crowd felicidade-happiness 4.37
11 ramsey lewis the in crowd come sunday 4.49
12 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Milt Meets Sid 03.08
13 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions D and E 02.57
14 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Yesterdays 02.33
15 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea 02.39
16 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Autumn Breeze 03.00
17 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Moving Nicely 03.20
18 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Round Midnight 02.57
19 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions Bluesology 02.47
20 Milt Jackson The First Q The Savoy Sessions True Blues 03.04
21 Lester Bowie The Great Pretender Rios Negroes 07.17
22 Lester Bowie The Great Pretender Rose Drop 07.28
23 Lars Farnlof Heureka Cachasa 07.27
24 Lars Farnlof Heureka Delta Queen 11.25
25 Lars Farnlof Heureka La Bergerie II 02.07