in-transition all episodes 2023-12-In-Transition-December-10 Some of the featured musicians include music from pianist Phineas Newborn, guitarist John Abercrombie, as well as drummer jeff... december-10-2023-playlist 01 bill king moment's notice night sounds 7.5302 phineas newborn atlantic jazz celia 3.0603 john abercrombie current events clint 2023-12-IHTSB-December-10 A birthday celebration of a true legend, the great vocalist Frank Sinatra. IHTSB Dec 10, 2023 Today we’ll be having a birthday celebration of a very successful entertainer in the popular music 2023-12-In-Transition-December-03 Music from local musician Dean Pallen, guitarist Ronnie Jordan, as well as Sai Ghose. december-03-2023-playlist 01 dean pallen strathcona park strathcona park 3.3102 ronny jordan april 2000 two worlds 5.5203 denny christianson big band 2023-12-IHTSB-December-03 Some of the featured musicians include vocalist Doris Day, bandleader Artie Shaw as well as trumpet great Billy Butterfield. IHTSB Dec 3, 2023 Today we are joined by singers, musicians and big bands from the US and the UK 2023-11-In-Transition-November-26 bassist red mitchell, vocalist tony bennett, as well as sax player scott hamilton are only some of the musicians... november-26-2023-playlist01 red mitchell presenting red mitchell -1957 i thought of you 5.1902 billy cobham powerplay 1986 a light shines in 2023-11-IHTSB-November-26 Vocalist Doris Day with pianist Andre Previn, bandleader Bob Crosby and bass saxist Adrian Rollini are some of the... IHTSB Nov 26, 2023 Today we listen to a range of singers, musicians and big bands in recordings from the 2023-11-In-Transition-November-19 some of the featured artists on today’s episode include trumpet great donald byrd, canadian christine fagan as well as... november-19-2023-playlist01 a/b trio out west my romance 5.2802 donald byrd and gigi gryce modern jazz perspective early bird 6.27 sep 2023-11-IHTSB-November-19 Some of the featured artists include trumpet players Roy Eldridge and Miles Davis as well as pianist Teddy Wilson. IHTSB Nov 19, 2023 Today we listen to several small jazz groups in recordings from the 1950s. Among the artists 2023-11-In-Transition-November-12 trumpet great kenny wheeler and bassist david holland are featured on todays episode. november-12-2023-playlist 01 kenny wheeler what now? what now? 7.4702 david holland emerald tears combintation 5.2203 kenny wheeler what now? for 2023-11-IHTSB-November-12 Vocalist Alice Faye plus band leaders Count Basie and Artie Shaw are some of the musicians featured on today’s... IHTSB Nov 12, 2023 On today's show we have a selection of recordings from the 1930a through to the 1950s. « Previous 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 88 Next »