01 Kenny DorhamJazz ContrastsLarue04:30
02 Price Lasha and Sonny SimmonsFirebirdsThe Loved Ones05:27
03 John BallantyneTrioBlues For Duke06:28
04 Ken McIntyreintroducing the vibrationsShortie05:32
05 Pacific SaltJazz CanadianaSo Be It05:36
06 McCoy TynerReflectionsImpressions05:02
07 Lorraine DesmaraisTrioSong For Spring06:20
08 Herb EllisAfter You've GoneHome Grown06:34
09 Jim PepperDakota SongMercer Street Blues04:06
10 Jess StacyStacy Still SwingsDoll Face05:48
11 Michel DonatoFIJMInvention No. 2006:27
12 Rolf Ericson and Johnny GriffinSincerly OursTaboo05:52
13 Kevin EubanksGuitaristInner Vision04:36
14 Jimmy ForrestMost MuchRobin's Nest08:48
15 Buddy RichBig Swing FaceWillowcrest04:21
16 John BallantyneTrioBut Not For Me05:52
17 Out Of The BlueSpiral StaircaseInput06:35
18 Pacific SaltJazz CanadianaRaw Toast04:01
19 Stan GetzThe BrothersFive Brothers03:13