01 joe newman i feel like a newman 3.07
02 jan neimans shivers 2.24
03 gunnar neilson summertime 4.43
04 lenny neihaus day by day 4.05
05 nanette natal nice work if you can get it 5.36
06 Von Nark Cutting Through 3.03
07 shorty rogers everybody loves a lover 4.07
08 jan garbarek the creek 4.01
09 ron gil lotus blossom 3.38
10 larry golding empty oceans 3.45
11 benny goodman your sweetheart 3.20
12 jon gordon giant steps 3.01
13 stephane grappelli golden green 3.25
14 john grenier satelite 3.09
15 lena horne my mood is you 3.09
16 barney kessel lullaby of birdland 3.19
17 king & moore mountain greenery impending bloom 4.17
18 denise king lover man 3.34
19 hans koller lush life 4.14
20 diana kral deed i do 3.37
21 volker kreigel postcard for f.w. amber 4.30
22 gene krupa mutiny in the parlor 3.47
23 eddie lockjaw davis quiet nights 3.31
24 miles davis deception 2.52
25 trudy desmond lucky to be me 3.56
26 al di meola paradisio 2.40
27 arne domnerus topsy theme 3.09
28 michel donato and alain caron missing you 3.29
29 eric doney and why not 2.59
30 george duke laid back sunday 4.24