Canadian singer Chantal Chamberland is featured on several tracks with her warm sultry voice. Three spotlights are also on the docket. One dealing with faces, the other, songs that contain the name Karen, and finally songs about chance. Trumpet legend Dizzy Gillespie closes out the show with “Just One More Chance”.
01 charles mcpherson first flight out karen 4.18
02 quincy jones the quincy jones abc mercury big band jazz sessions little karen 3.45
03 john carter and bobby vradford the complete revelation sessions karen on monday 6.52
04 dexter gordon complete prestige recordings oh karen 12.12
05 chantal chamberland serendipity street across the room 4.23
06 chantal chamberland serendipity street cheek to cheek 3.06
07 chantal chamberland serendipity street cry me a river 2.55
08 chantal chamberland jazz around the world la mer 3.50
09 chantal chamberland serendipity street since i fell for you 4.40
10 chantal chamberland serendipity street solitude 4.03
11 chantal chamberland serendipity street time after time 4.05
12 buddy rich big swing face big swing face 5.43
13 jesse stacy stacy still swings doll face 5.47
14 bill connors of mist and melting face in the water 6.22
15 hubert laws say it with silence false faces 6.13
16 mildred bailey the complete columbia recordings i see your face before me 3.00
17 bernt rosengren-fredrik noren-palle danielsson-lars sjosten inside pictures a tribute to lars gullin without a chance 4.03
18 the rampart street paraders classic columbia condon mob sessions i don’t stand a ghost of a chance with you 4.04
19 eddie gomez and mark kramer art of the heart chances are 4.32
20 chance jazziz 2001 chance – a walk 4.16
21 clarence “gatemouth” brown just got lucky taking my chance 6.19
22 dizzy gillespie jazz in paris – cognac blues just one more chance 3.13