01 bennie wallace twilight time is it true what they say about dixie? 3.25
02 bennie wallace sweeping through the city refrain 5.03
03 chase sanborn good to the last bop i wish i knew 5.27
04 chase sanborn sweet & low sweet & low 6.36
05 moe koffman music for the night everything alright 3.21
06 moe koffman 1967 now’s the time 3.09
07 george garzone alone moonlight in vermont 3.56
08 george garzone alone nature boy 4.28
09 jim pepper dakota song dakota song 4.23
10 jim pepper dakota song mercer street blues 4.05
11 pepper adams ephemera hellure 5.00
12 pepper adams 10 to 4 at the five spot you’re my thrill 5.04
13 art blakey kyoto wellington’s blues 5.05
14 art blakey not yet i’ll never be the same 3.44
15 george benson good king bad em 4.53
16 george benson blue benson i remember wes 3.56
17 enrico rava ah small talk 5.10
18 enrico rava quartet blackmail 3.20
19 ahmad jamal jamalca don’t misunderstand 4.10
20 ahmad jamal moonlight in vermont what’s new 4.08
21 dave young and phil dwyer quartet fables and dreams darn 4.58
22 dave young and kenny barron piano-bass duets one finger snap 4.36
23 dave brubeck once when i was very youngamong my souvenirs 4.11
24 dave brubeck just you, just me it’s the talk of the town 4.19