february 20 2022 black history month week 3
Artist | Year | Song | Time
01 quincy jones ABC-Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions stolen moments 4.26
02 quincy jones ABC-Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions ghana 4.02
03 quincy jones ABC-Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions the gypsy 4.07
04 quincy jones ABC-Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions tuxedo junction 2.45
05 quincy jones ABC-Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions after hours 3.34
06 elvin jones merry go round lungs 2.28
07 elvin jones merry go round a time for love 4.52
08 elvin jones merry go round round town 3.27
09 elvin jones merry go round la fiesta 6.07
10 elvin jones merry go round who’s afraid 4.21
11 elvin jones merry go round round town 3.27
12 elvin jones merry go round The Childrens Merry-Go-Round March 2.50
13 boogaloo joe jones introducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones the mindbender 4.56
14 boogaloo joe jones introducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones blues for bruce 5.54
15 boogaloo joe jones introducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones call me 6.05
16 boogaloo joe jones introducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones games 4.25
17 boogaloo joe jones introducing the psychedelic soul jazz guitar of joe jones there is a mountain 5.30
18 thad jones The Complete Blue Note, UA, Roulette Recordings billie doo 7.27
19 thad jones The Complete Blue Note, UA, Roulette Recordings if someone had told me 5.52
20 thad jones The Complete Blue Note, UA, Roulette Recordings slipped again 6.19
21 thad jones The Complete Blue Note, UA, Roulette Recordings ill wind 7.04