January 14 2023 playlist
01 lester young lester young collates polka dots and moonbeams 4.13
02 dave young tale of the fingers lost in the stars 6.33
03 yellowjackets live wires downtown 4.51
04 vijay iyer memorophilia stars over mars 9.51
05 coleman hawkins in the 50’s body and soul revisited it’s no sin 3.00
06 don byas don byas in paris i cover the waterfront 4.28
07 d.d. jackson peace-song breakout 3.29
08 carol welsman i like men angels on your pillow 2.25
09 carol mccartney a night in tunisia dat dere 3.39
10 cecil mcbee unspoken inside out 4.24
11 michael howell looking glass ruby my dear 6.21
12 oscar peterson the pris concert blue lou 3.30
13 barney kessel feeling free blues up down and around 8.28
14 tab smith because of you milk train plus top and bottom 6.39
15 ron davis mungle music down by three 4.20
16 bobby shew heavyweights but not for me 8.28
17 larry willis my funny valentine ethiopia 8.04
18 charlie haden live at the montreal international jazz festival silence 7.41
19 paul bley-quiet song-solo+duet+play blue-913
20 john gordon jazz in the night giant steps 3.01